Resource planning for
engineering teams

Godfrey helps you understand and streamline your engineering workforce.

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You don't need another dashboard

You need a real-time view of your maintenance, resourcing, and architecture - presented in a way that’s actually readable.

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What customers are saying about Godfrey

I could have used this at just about every org I’ve ever led.

Prashant Srinivasan

CTO at Codewalla

I need this now.

Rakesh Raju

CTO at 1Huddle

I feel like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders.

Matt Casey

Founding Engineer at Stainless

The Godfrey Blog

Godfrey Blog

Engineering ≠ New Features

Your engineering team is not a feature factory. This dangerous misconception kills companies.

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Godfrey Blog

'Developer ROI' Doesn't Exist

Engineering productivity is real, but trying to quantify it in dollar terms is a losing, disastrous battle.

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Godfrey Blog

The Myth of the Anti-Social Engineer

Engineers have long been typecast as poor communicators. This myth allows the worst engineers to thrive.

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Godfrey Blog

Your engineering team can’t be Agile

Agile is about collaboration outside of engineering. Here's where most companies go wrong.

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